Questions for the Author

Who are you?

Stephen Harrison (above, karate-chopping). I attended Washington University in St. Louis as an undergraduate and was in the co-ed a cappella group After Dark from 2005-2009. After working for a year in educational publishing, I am now back at Wash. U. Law School.

When will the book be released?

November 11, 2011. The book will be available in print and eBook editions on Amazon. Get excited.

When did you start writing this?

I started writing these as short satirical pieces for the Washington University Political Review during the 2008-2009 school year. People seemed to like them, and I was enjoying myself, so I just kept writing.

Didn't there used to be more chapters on this site?

Yep. I originally posted a few more chapters as I was drafting, but I took them down as I started rewriting and retooling them for the full-length book. The current sample chapters are much closer to the actual text of the novel.

This is a true story, right?

Sort of, but not really. Sure, the setting and culture were inspired by the real-life acadrama I experienced as an undergrad, but the story and characters are (almost) entirely fictitious.

You seem to be making fun of the a cappella world. Did you actually like a cappella?

I loved it. I met some of my closest friends through the aca community at Wash. U. I consider collegiate a cappella to be one of the best experiences of my life. In all seriousness, I kid because I love. A lot.

How can I get in touch with you?

Feel free to send me an e-mail anytime at acapolitics at gmail dot com. (I write the address that way to fend off evil cyberbots.)

To join the AcaPolitics e-mail list, sign-up here. I try to keep it to one e-mail per month, so as not to flood your inboxes.

For more regular updates, you can follow me at @AcaPolitics on Twitter. Hesitant? I was a Twitter skeptic once, too, but it's surprisingly fun!

How can I get my a cappella group's picture on this website?

Just send an e-mail to the address listed above with the pictures attached. High-resolution pics work best.

But what is a cappella?

Definition from Mouth Off: “A cappella is the art of unaccompanied vocal performance. No instruments allowed.” It sounds like this:

Or this:

And just for fun…

Have a thought? Write the author
Stephen Harrison
acapolitics at gmail dot com

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